Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mr. Moreland's Memos for April 22-26

Another week down and roughly 5 weeks left.  I can’t believe our first grade year is almost over (small tear).  As the weather warms up the kiddos are getting more and more anxious to head out and play, needless to say that the natives are restless in the classroom.  If you could also remind them that it is important to stay focused these last few weeks.  Just because school is drawing to an end is no reason for a decline in behavior.  I know this won’t be a problem if everyone is being proactive and putting first things first.  If we do that we will finish the year on a fantastic note.

Reading/Phonics/Spelling- This week we will be reading stories that are all focused on different kinds of jobs that people have.  We will be discussing many jobs and brainstorming some of the skills it takes to perform these jobs.  We will relate how math is needed to be a banker or a cashier for example.  The stories we will be reading out of our reading books are, “A Job For You” p 228, “Cool Jobs” p 230, and “Jobs at School” p 238.  As we read these stories we will be reviewing some of the reading strategies we have.  We will be talking about making some connections with the jobs parents have or grandparents, asking some questions to comprehend and using our senses to get a better image in our minds.  We will also be comparing jobs.  We will be talking about comparing and contrasting.  The high frequency words that you need to study this week are: ever, interesting, only, laugh, goes, ordinary.  As we read these words will appear numerous times, as well as words that have the oo sound as in spoon.  Our spelling words this week also have focus on the oo words.

Math- This week in math we will be continuing to discuss addition problems and subtraction problems and how to check and see if each side is equal.  We will be learning a new math word as well.  We will be talking about the commutative property of addition.  This property says that we can take 4 + 6 and make it 6 + 4.  As long as we do not change the result we can flip the numbers.  We will also be continuing our timed math tests.  Be studying those addition problems.  We will also be working on what numbers come next as well as missing numbers.  We will begin the end of the year assessment shortly and these topics are on the assessment.  Also, keep practicing counting as fast as you can in one minute.  Make it a goal to reach 110.

Grammar/Writing- This week in grammar we will be introduced to pronouns.  We will be able to say that pronouns take place of a proper noun.  We will be making some pronoun flowers since it is spring time and we will work on sorting pronouns with other nouns.  It will be a busy grammar filled period.  In our writing we will work with the pronouns and be writing about jobs we would like to have and what we think someone does in that profession.

Science- We are going to continue to discuss and investigate the properties of solids, liquids, and gases.  This week we will be focusing more on liquids.

Related Arts Rotations for 4/22-4/26
Group A- Music. Art, Computer, Gym, Music
Group B- Computer, Gym, Music, Art, Computer
Group C- Art, Computer, Gym, Music, Art
Group D- Gym, Music, Art, Computer, Gym
**Please note that this is a skating week and to dress accordingly for gym class, long socks would be great!**

Just a reminder that Monday is a library day.    Please return your books on Monday.  Remember to bring those library books back if they are at home.  We will be going to the library to check out new books.  Please remember them as it will be a long break!

Be sure to send in those box tops.  Every Thursday I send down our bag of box tops to the office.  If you have any box tops or food labels that can be redeemed for money please send them in and I will get them turned in.

Husky Spirit Wear! Order forms were sent home last week for the spring spirit wear order.  If you need another order form let me know via email and I can email you an extra form.  If you would like to order a shirt or sweatshirt please fill out the form and return it by April 22 this coming Monday.  If you write a check please make it out to North High School.  The shirts will then be brought back to school and distributed at a later date.  Please consider ordering a shirt as the North High School Business Professionals are selling them as a fundraiser to take an educational field trip.

Kleenex Needed- As the seasons change it seems as if some of our allergies are beginning to get to us, as well as the common cold that seems to be going around.  We are at the time of the year where we have also used almost all of our supplies.  We are running particularly low on Kleenexes.  If you would like to donate just a box of Kleenex it would be greatly appreciated. 

Enjoy your three day weekend!
Robert Moreland

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