Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday the 24th

The week is going by fast!  I had a few moments during my plan time to give you a quick update about the week thus far.  We have been working on retelling a story and reading fluently.  Tonight a book is being sent home with every student.  As your student reads this book you can see where they are on their fluency and what words they need to practice.  These selections have words in them that are high frequency words.  I encourage you to ask questions about the story and have them retell or even draw what they remember. 

The short "u" sound is coming along nicely.  From just my assessments by walking around the room and seeing everyone, this sound has been pretty easy.  A good way to review is by looking at our spelling words.  They all have a short "u" sound.

In math we have been working on interpreting graphs of all kinds.  We have also been working on our addition and subtration skills.  I have been finding creative ways to embed these basic problems into their brains for the rest of their lives.  We need to build a good solid foundation and understanding of addition and subtraction now.

On a different note, this morning Sheriff Harmon came in and talked to us about stranger danger.  He told us that we have to watch out for strangers and not to talk to them or take anything from them.  He told us only take things from prople you trust such as your parents and grandparents.  He told us that if they look funny, or something does not feel right to get help immediatley.  This was great for the kiddos, especially just before Halloween.

Don't forget to contact Mrs. Parker if you have anything for the basket.  Picture day is Friday, come looking your best!

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